Intrusion Alarm Systems

HSM designs, installs, maintains, and monitors intrusion alarm systems in a wide variety of commercial locations.

Intrusion alarm systems significantly improve facility security and prevent crime.

What is an Intrusion Alarm System?


An intrusion alarm system is a security solution designed to detect unauthorized entry into a building or area and alert occupants and/or authorities to the breach. These systems are commonly used in residential, commercial, and industrial settings to protect property and ensure the safety of occupants. Here’s a detailed description of an intrusion alarm system, including its components, types, and benefits:

Components of an Intrusion Alarm System

  1. Control Panel:
    • The brain of the system, where all sensors and devices are connected.
    • Manages the system’s operations, processes signals from sensors, and triggers alarms.
    • Typically includes a keypad or touchscreen for user interaction.
  2. Sensors:
    • Door/Window Sensors: Detect when a door or window is opened.
      • Magnetic Contacts: Composed of two parts – one attached to the door/window and the other to the frame. An alarm is triggered when the contact is broken.
    • Motion Detectors: Sense movement within a specified area.
      • Passive Infrared (PIR) Sensors: Detect body heat.
      • Microwave Sensors: Emit microwaves and detect changes in reflection.
      • Dual Technology Sensors: Combine PIR and microwave technologies to reduce false alarms.
    • Glass Break Detectors: Sense the sound or vibration of breaking glass.
    • Shock/Vibration Sensors: Detect tampering or breaking attempts on doors, windows, or walls.
  3. Alarm Devices:
    • Sirens and Strobes: Emit loud sounds and flashing lights to scare off intruders and alert occupants.
    • Silent Alarms: Notify authorities without alerting the intruder.
  4. Communication Modules:
    • Landline: Uses a phone line to communicate with monitoring centers.
    • Cellular: Uses mobile networks to send alerts.
    • Internet: Uses a broadband connection to transmit signals.
  5. Keypads and Control Interfaces:
    • Devices used by occupants to arm or disarm the system and manage settings.
    • Can be standalone units or integrated with the control panel.
  6. Monitoring Service:
    • Professional Monitoring: A third-party service that monitors the alarm system 24/7 and contacts authorities in case of an alarm.
    • Self-Monitoring: The system sends alerts directly to the property owner or designated contacts.

Types of Intrusion Alarm Systems

  1. Wired Systems:
    • All components are connected by wires.
    • Reliable and less susceptible to interference, but can be difficult and expensive to install.
  2. Wireless Systems:
    • Components communicate via radio frequency signals.
    • Easier and less expensive to install, with flexible placement of sensors.
    • Can be prone to interference and may require battery maintenance.
  3. Hybrid Systems:
    • Combine wired and wireless components.
    • Offer the reliability of wired systems with the flexibility of wireless systems.

Benefits of an Intrusion Alarm System

  1. Enhanced Security:
    • Deters potential intruders and provides immediate alerts in case of a breach.
    • Protects property and occupants from theft and harm.
  2. Peace of Mind:
    • Provides a sense of security, knowing that the property is monitored.
    • Allows remote monitoring and control through mobile apps.
  3. Reduced Insurance Costs:
    • Many insurance companies offer discounts on premiums for properties equipped with alarm systems.
  4. Integration with Other Systems:
    • Can be integrated with other security systems such as surveillance cameras, access control systems, and smart home devices for comprehensive protection.

Applications of Intrusion Alarm Systems

  1. Residential:
    • Protects homes from burglary and unauthorized entry.
    • Can be integrated with home automation systems for enhanced functionality.
  2. Commercial:
    • Secures businesses, retail stores, offices, and warehouses.
    • Monitors entry points, sensitive areas, and valuable assets.
  3. Industrial:
    • Protects industrial facilities, factories, and construction sites.
    • Monitors perimeters, entry points, and critical infrastructure.
  4. Public Spaces:
    • Secures schools, hospitals, and government buildings.
    • Enhances safety and prevents unauthorized access to restricted areas.


An intrusion alarm system is a critical component of modern security strategies, designed to detect and respond to unauthorized entry. With various sensors, control interfaces, and communication modules, these systems provide comprehensive protection for residential, commercial, and industrial properties. By deterring intruders, alerting occupants, and notifying authorities, intrusion alarm systems enhance security and provide peace of mind.

How do we Install an Intrusion Alarm System?


Installing an intrusion alarm system involves careful planning, precise execution, and thorough testing to ensure comprehensive security coverage and functionality. Here’s a detailed outline of our intrusion alarm system installation process:

1. Project Initiation and Planning

Understanding Client Requirements:

  • Meet with the client to discuss their security needs, goals, and specific requirements for the intrusion alarm system.
  • Determine the areas to be secured, types of sensors needed, and any special features such as remote access, silent alarms, or integration with other security systems.

Site Assessment:

  • Conduct a comprehensive site assessment to evaluate the existing infrastructure, potential installation challenges, and the best locations for sensors and other equipment.
  • Identify potential security vulnerabilities and areas that require enhanced coverage.

2. System Design and Configuration

System Design:

  • Develop a detailed system design that includes the placement of sensors, control panels, keypads, and alarm devices.
  • Create a layout plan that ensures optimal coverage and minimal blind spots.

Equipment Selection:

  • Select high-quality sensors, control panels, keypads, alarm devices, and communication modules based on the client’s needs and budget.
  • Ensure compatibility between all components and any existing security systems.

3. Cost Estimation and Budgeting

Preliminary Budget:

  • Provide an initial cost estimate based on the site assessment and system design.
  • Ensure the project scope aligns with the client’s budget, making adjustments as necessary.

Final Budget:

  • Develop a detailed budget once the design is finalized, including equipment costs, labor, permits, and contingencies.

4. Permitting and Approvals

Obtain Permits:

  • Prepare and submit all necessary permit applications to local authorities.
  • Address any feedback or required changes to obtain approvals.

5. Installation Phase

Site Preparation:

  • Mobilize installation teams and set up the site, ensuring all safety and regulatory requirements are met.
  • Conduct a pre-installation meeting to align all stakeholders on the project plan and timelines.

Sensor Installation:

  • Install door/window sensors, motion detectors, glass break detectors, and other sensors in the predetermined locations.
  • Ensure sensors are securely installed and properly aligned for optimal coverage.

Cabling and Connectivity:

  • Run necessary cables for wired systems or ensure strong wireless connections for wireless systems.
  • Connect sensors, control panels, keypads, and alarm devices to the main control unit.

Installation of Control Panels and Keypads:

  • Install control panels and keypads in convenient and secure locations for user interaction.
  • Ensure proper connectivity and functionality.

6. System Configuration and Integration


  • Configure the alarm system settings, including entry/exit delays, alarm triggers, and communication protocols.
  • Set up user codes, access levels, and remote access features as required by the client.

System Integration:

  • Integrate the intrusion alarm system with any existing security systems, such as surveillance cameras or access control systems.
  • Ensure seamless communication and functionality between all components.

7. Testing and Commissioning

Initial Testing:

  • Perform initial tests to ensure all sensors, control panels, keypads, and alarm devices are functioning correctly.
  • Check for any connectivity issues, sensor misalignments, or installation defects.


  • Conduct comprehensive testing of the entire system, including alarm triggers, communication modules, and alert functions.
  • Verify the system meets all design specifications and client requirements.

8. Client Training and Documentation

Client Training:

  • Provide training sessions for the client and any relevant personnel on how to use the intrusion alarm system, including arming/disarming, accessing logs, and troubleshooting common issues.


  • Provide the client with all necessary documentation, including user manuals, warranties, and maintenance guidelines.
  • Ensure the client has access to support resources and contact information for any future issues or questions.

9. Handover and Support


  • Formally hand over the completed installation to the client, ensuring they are fully satisfied with the outcome.
  • Obtain final sign-off from the client, marking the successful completion of the project.

Post-Installation Support:

  • Schedule follow-up visits or calls to address any post-installation issues or concerns.
  • Provide ongoing support and maintenance services as needed.

10. Continuous Improvement

Feedback Collection:

  • Gather feedback from the client and installation team to identify areas for improvement in future projects.
  • Implement lessons learned to enhance our installation process continually.

This comprehensive approach ensures that we deliver high-quality intrusion alarm system installations that meet the client’s needs and provide a reliable, efficient, and secure solution.



How much does an Intrusion Alarm System Cost?

The cost of an intrusion alarm system can vary widely depending on the size of the property, the complexity of the system, the number of sensors required, and the specific features desired. Here’s a breakdown of the typical costs associated with intrusion alarm systems:

Equipment Costs

  1. Control Panel:
    • Basic Control Panel: $100 – $300
    • Advanced Control Panel (with smart features): $300 – $600
  2. Sensors:
    • Door/Window Sensors: $15 – $60 each
    • Motion Detectors: $30 – $100 each
    • Glass Break Detectors: $40 – $150 each
    • Shock/Vibration Sensors: $25 – $100 each
  3. Alarm Devices:
    • Indoor Sirens: $20 – $100 each
    • Outdoor Sirens: $50 – $200 each
    • Silent Alarms (e.g., Panic Buttons): $50 – $200 each
  4. Keypads and Control Interfaces:
    • Basic Keypad: $50 – $150
    • Touchscreen Keypad: $150 – $300
  5. Communication Modules:
    • Landline Module: $50 – $100
    • Cellular Module: $100 – $300
    • Internet Module: $50 – $150
  6. Monitoring Service:
    • Professional Monitoring: $20 – $60 per month
    • Self-Monitoring: Minimal to no cost, depending on the service provider

Installation Costs

  1. Labor:
    • Professional Installation: $50 – $150 per hour
    • Total Installation Costs: $200 – $2,000+ depending on the complexity of the installation and the number of sensors
  2. Permits and Inspections:
    • Permit Fees: $50 – $500 (depending on local regulations)

Example Cost Breakdown

Basic Home Setup (4 Doors/Windows, 1 Motion Detector, 1 Control Panel):

  • Control Panel: $200
  • Door/Window Sensors: 4 x $30 = $120
  • Motion Detector: $50
  • Indoor Siren: $50
  • Basic Keypad: $100
  • Installation Labor (5 hours at $100/hour): $500
  • Permits: $100

Total Cost: $1,120

Medium Business Setup (10 Doors/Windows, 5 Motion Detectors, 2 Keypads, 1 Control Panel):

  • Control Panel: $300
  • Door/Window Sensors: 10 x $40 = $400
  • Motion Detectors: 5 x $60 = $300
  • Indoor Sirens: 2 x $80 = $160
  • Outdoor Siren: $150
  • Advanced Keypads: 2 x $200 = $400
  • Installation Labor (15 hours at $100/hour): $1,500
  • Permits: $200

Total Cost: $3,410

Large Commercial Setup (20 Doors/Windows, 10 Motion Detectors, 5 Keypads, 2 Control Panels, Cellular Module):

  • Control Panels: 2 x $400 = $800
  • Door/Window Sensors: 20 x $50 = $1,000
  • Motion Detectors: 10 x $80 = $800
  • Indoor Sirens: 3 x $100 = $300
  • Outdoor Sirens: 2 x $200 = $400
  • Touchscreen Keypads: 5 x $250 = $1,250
  • Cellular Module: $300
  • Installation Labor (30 hours at $100/hour): $3,000
  • Permits: $300

Total Cost: $7,150

Factors Affecting Cost

  1. Number of Sensors:
    • More sensors increase both equipment and installation costs.
  2. Type of Sensors:
    • Advanced sensors (e.g., dual technology motion detectors) are more expensive than basic sensors.
  3. Monitoring Service:
    • Professional monitoring incurs ongoing monthly fees, while self-monitoring may involve minimal to no costs.
  4. Installation Complexity:
    • Difficult installations, such as those requiring extensive cabling or in hard-to-reach areas, will increase labor costs.
  5. Additional Features:
    • Integration with other security systems, remote access capabilities, and advanced analytics can add to the cost.


The cost of an intrusion alarm system can range from a few hundred dollars for a basic setup to several thousand dollars for a comprehensive, high-end system. For most homeowners, installing a basic system will likely cost between $1,000 and $3,000, including equipment and installation. For businesses, the cost can range from $3,000 to $10,000 or more, depending on the size and complexity of the system. It’s important to assess your specific needs, budget, and the complexity of the installation to determine the most appropriate system for your situation. Consulting with professional installers can also provide more accurate estimates and help tailor the system to your exact requirements.